fitness and wellbeinggetting fithealthHealthy livingHow exercise slows down ageing processOffsetting the ageing process with exercise

How exercise slows down the ageing process


photo showing a old couple stretching in the park

This article came up in a newsletter and prompted me do some further research. I already knew that regular exercise does have an impact on cellular health and over all health, but I didn’t know how.

While there is still a lot of uncertainty as to the exact mechanism, the basic principle is as follows:

Our chromosomes have capped ends, similar to shoelace ends, these are called telomeres. The function of the telomere is to regulate cell division by the chromosome. With each cell division the telomere shortens, eventually to the point that it no longer functions and then the cell dies. This is a part of the ageing process.

It has been proved by many case studies, that people who exercise regularly have healthier and longer telomeres than those who don’t. This means they offset the ageing process and maintain healthier cell production and re-production. This effects all cells throughout the body, so your skin, heart, lungs, nails, teeth, bones and muscles are all functioning properly and maintaining a good level of health.

Of course we all get old and die anyway, but wouldn’t it be good to feel good all the way through? Knowing that you are staying young from the inside, and not having to rely on prescribed drugs or expensive medical intervention.


American Heart Association (2009, December 2). Long-term physical activity has an anti-aging effect at the cellular level.ScienceDaily Retrieved July 23, 2013, fromhttps://www.sciencedaily.comĀ­/releases/2009/11/091130161806.htm


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